5 Tips for Avoiding a Car Accident This Thanksgiving
Driving is one of the most dangerous things we do each day—despite how normal it may seem! And with the stress of the holidays, it’s arguable that people on the road are more distracted than ever. Unfortunately, during this time of year, thousands of people are killed or injured on the road.
At Tampa Spine and Wellness, we want to ensure you have a safe and happy holiday season. This is why your back pain physician is offering up five tips to avoid a car accident this Thanksgiving. How can you lower your risk as much as possible while still making it to your destination on time?
Tip #1: Don’t Rush
While sometimes things don’t go according to plan (especially if you’re trying to get young kids out the door!), rushing isn’t worth it. Adopt the attitude of “I’ll get there when I get there.” After all, you’d much rather arrive at that holiday gathering than not at all.
In fact, speeding is one of the main causes of car accidents. So, even if you’re running a few minutes late, follow the rules of the road. Before you leave your home, let others know you’re running a bit late. And if possible, try to always plan ahead and start getting ready early!
Tip #2: Take Frequent Breaks (Especially If It’s a Long Drive)
If you’re heading across state or to another state, consider planning stops every couple of hours—even if this is just to grab a water or quickly stretch and walk around for a few minutes. This can ensure you stay alert and mindful while driving. It also may prevent back pain from developing after hours of sitting in the car.
Tip #3: Drive Sober
While this should go without saying, a reminder never hurts. Within your family unit or group, have a designated driver. Even having one or two drinks can leave you feeling sluggish and tired, which may lower your reaction time and level of alertness. Sober is the safest way!
Tip #4: Drive Defensively
Traffic and other drives can be unpredictable. But focus on what you can control here: Your driving! Make sure to:
Maintain a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of you.
Use your signals appropriately.
Avoid tailgating or speeding.
Stay aware of your surroundings and other drivers.
Check your mirrors periodically.
Tip #5: Avoid Distractions
Don’t use your cell phone while driving—if you need to change the directions, pull over and do so. If you need to change the playlist on your phone or answer a text, again, pull over and do this in a safely parked position.
Additionally, make sure to communicate with other passengers that you need to focus on the road ahead. If the kids are acting up, it’s probably best to, yet again, pull over and have everyone calm down before continuing.
Curious about more tips to ensure a healthy Thanksgiving and Christmas this year? Your spine doctors at Tampa Spine and Wellness are here to help. Contact our team today and discover why our clients consider us the best chiropractor in Tampa!