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What is your motivation to being healthy?

A picture of a person meditating for mental health

By definition, health means to be sound in mind, body, and spirit. Many people tend to focus solely on the physical aspect which is important, don’t get me wrong, but in order to be successful in your physical, your mental and spirit need to be connected because those two components are your motivation and drive.

At one point or another, we all have heard of the phrase “mind over matter.” This phrase speaks on the mental strength to motivate you to excel in your physical form. For example, have you ever been in the gym, whether you are running or lifting weights, and you begin to think “I can’t do it,” “I can’t keep going.” That is your mental state at a weak point doubting your ability, but if you practice motivating yourself and encouraging yourself during hard times, you can run that extra mile and lift three more reps.

As far as the spirit, that is up to interpretation. We all come from various backgrounds and beliefs that guide us through our day to day lives. But for the purpose of this blog, I define your spirit as inner peace, being satisfied with oneself, also known as self-happiness. What is it that keeps you at peace? What is it that makes you happy? And what is it that distracts you from self-happiness? I challenge you to analyze that and see how it affects your mental and physical.

Now, what is it that will keep you motivated? The answer to that question is a personal goal whether it is to lose 10 pounds or live long enough to play with your grandchildren. For me personally, my motivation to stay healthy is to avoid having as many health problems my grandparents have. I am also motivated to try new activities, such as yoga to not only stretch my body but also mind. When your life is consumed with work and personal issues, yoga can serve as a stress reliever where you can let it all go and sleep peacefully at night.

Take time out to answer that question, “What is my motivation to being healthy?” and make needed changes to becoming a better you. Please come back and share your thoughts on this blog, or this topic! Don’t forget to follow our social media pages found in the footer of this page to stay up to date with awesome content as well as join the Tampa Spine & Wellness family!

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