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How Long Should You See a Chiropractor After an Accident?

A car involved in a car accident in Tampa Florida where the occupants suffered whiplash injuries requiring them to get chiropractic car and physical therapy to help alleviate the pain.

Every year, chiropractors treat more than 35 million American adults and children. Many of these patients are working to recover after an auto accident.

If you’ve been in an auto accident, seeing a chiropractor can help evaluate your injuries or disabilities and work to treat them. You may be wondering, “How long should I receive chiropractic care after an accident?”

For more information on what you should expect from post-accident chiropractic care, read on.

1. Less Severe Injuries After an Auto Accident

The amount of time you spend with a chiropractor after an accident will depend on the severity of your injuries. It will also depend on how long you wait to schedule an appointment after becoming injured in an accident.

The most common less severe injuries resulting from auto accidents involve joint pain, muscle strains, and knee trauma. At Tampa Spine & Wellness, our trained chiropractors work to develop conservative care treatment plans to heal the body as quickly as possible. They also help patients discover a new sense of balance and wellness for a healthier lifestyle.

For less severe injuries, your chiropractic treatment could last anywhere from several days to several weeks.

2. Severe Injuries After an Auto Accident

Severe injuries will require more extensive treatment from a chiropractor. But, it’s important to remember that each patient will experience varied healing and treatment times.

One of the most common severe injuries resulting from an auto accident is whiplash. Whiplash is an injury resulting from rapid, sudden movement affecting the neck. This often occurs from being rear-ended or hit from the side.

Whiplash can cause symptoms like loss of neck motion, headaches, arm tingling or numbness, brain health issues, and more.

Another severe injury many people experience from car accidents is a spinal cord injury. Chiropractors often see these types of injuries and understand the need for further intervention and can refer patients to the proper specialists if the need arises. Given proper evaluation and time adjustments can help to aide in the recovery of these injuries.

On average, it takes about three months to heal with chiropractic care, but more severe injuries could take many months to recover from. Tampa Spine & Wellness chiropractors are equipped to handle a wide variety of injuries after an auto accident.

3. Speed Up Your Healing Process

With most kinds of injuries, there are many everyday practices you can adopt to aid in your healing.

Some of our top tips to speed up your healing process are:

· Use ice and heat regularly as directed by your chiropractor

· Eat recovery foods rich in vitamins and nutrients to boost energy and strength

· Rest often and get at least eight hours of sleep per night

· Slowly adopt a mild exercise routine as directed by your chiropractor

While everyone wants to recover quickly following an auto accident, it’s important to follow your chiropractor and other medical professional’s guidance. By attending regular chiropractic visits and taking care of your body and mind, you can hope to make a full recovery in a timely manner.

Heal Your Body With Chiropractic Care Today

At Tampa Spine & Wellness, healing your body is our top priority. To experience high-quality chiropractic care after an auto accident, request an appointment or give us a call today at 813-331-5753.

Our trained Tampa chiropractors also accept same-day appointments and walk-in visits.


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