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4 Tips for Combating Holiday Stress

The holidays usually mark a time of cheer and festivities. Yet, for some of us, this time also comes with various stressors. Whether we’re stressed about family interactions or about getting everything perfect for that one big day, there are many things we can do to de-stress and truly enjoy all that the holidays have to offer.

In this article, we offer up some of our go-to tips for tackling stress during the holiday season. How can you feel better?

Tip #1: Be Realistic.

The simple truth is: Perfect doesn’t exist.

The sooner we accept this, the better. And stress is frequent around the holiday season due to this perceived notion that everything must be perfect. Then, we might get frustrated or upset when things don’t go as planned.

A better way to approach the holidays is that there are going to be bumps in the road. This is all part of the great adventure called life. Go with it! Accept that some things won’t go to plan. Enjoy the moments where you can. After all, the moments and interactions with our loved ones are what matter the most.

Tip #2: Practice Mindfulness.

A packed household. Relatives in your ear every minute of the day. Yes, this can feel like a lot!

But instead of getting in your own head about it, try to stay present. This situation is temporary. Practice active listening. Open your mind to the perspective of others. And most importantly, try not to judge!

If you can, even squeezing in a minute or two of meditation (such as using the Headspace app) might also help you stay in control of your mind and your emotions.

Tip #3: Say “No.”

Overwhelm is an all-too-common feeling during the holiday celebrations. We feel we must go to all the holiday parties and events, as well as potentially contributing our part toward them. The funny thing is that most people will understand that you can’t do it all. If you feel like it’s too much, learn to say “no.”

The other part of this is learning that “no” is a full sentence. You don’t need an excuse or a big elaborate story to back it up. Saying “no” is setting boundaries for yourself and knowing your own limits, which can lead to less stress and more enjoyment throughout all the festivities!

Tip #4: Stick With Your Routine.

Many of us drop our entire health and wellness routine during the holiday weeks. Then, we find it difficult to jump back on the bandwagon. Instead, try to stick with your routine as much as you can. Reduced holiday hours and events might partially get in the way (and it’s entirely okay to miss a gym session here or there or indulge in the holiday meal), but if you can stick with it as much as possible, you’ll be able to combat stress that much easier throughout.

Looking to enhance your heath and wellness while reducing holiday stress? Contact the Tampa Spine and Wellness team today to find out how chiropractic care can help you enjoy the festivities this holiday season.

The chiropractic and physical therapy office of Tampa Spine and Wellness located in the Tampa Heights neighborhood of Tampa Florida giving out poinsettia plants for Christmas


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